Deming Cup Winners Press Release Announcement

On September 6, 2022, with approval from the Columbia Business School media and social team, we announced the winners of the 2022 Deming Cup.

A month prior, I led the charge and drafted the full press release and the social media posts that would run on the Columbia Business School LinkedIn and Facebook.

I worked with the media team to ensure amplification via PRNewsWire and all social channels. The announcement was a success, and it was so rewarding to see Tim Steiner, CEO and co-founder of Ocado Group, and Kathy Warden, chair, CEO, and president of Northrop Grumman, being showered with support and praise for winning the 2022 Deming Cup.

Additional tasks included:

  • Coordinating with the AV team at Columbia Business School so would also share the news on all screens inside the School

  • Coordinating with the Ocado Group media team as they were releasing a special video they had prepared for the announcement

  • Coordinating with Northrop Grumman media team

  • Creation of a Deming Center LinkedIn page

  • Collaborating with The Deming Cup Judging Committee so all members were abreast of the big press push

  • Sourcing headshots to be included in all press


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