Deming Cup Winners Press Release Announcement
On September 6, 2022, with approval from the Columbia Business School media and social team, we announced the winners of the 2022 Deming Cup.
A month prior, I led the charge and drafted the full press release and the social media posts that would run on the Columbia Business School LinkedIn and Facebook.
I worked with the media team to ensure amplification via PRNewsWire and all social channels. The announcement was a success, and it was so rewarding to see Tim Steiner, CEO and co-founder of Ocado Group, and Kathy Warden, chair, CEO, and president of Northrop Grumman, being showered with support and praise for winning the 2022 Deming Cup.
Additional tasks included:
Coordinating with the AV team at Columbia Business School so would also share the news on all screens inside the School
Coordinating with the Ocado Group media team as they were releasing a special video they had prepared for the announcement
Coordinating with Northrop Grumman media team
Creation of a Deming Center LinkedIn page
Collaborating with The Deming Cup Judging Committee so all members were abreast of the big press push
Sourcing headshots to be included in all press